Monday 21 March 2016

Term 1 Week 8 Homework

See you all on Wednesday 30 March as Tuesday is a holiday.

Thursday 10 March 2016

Animal talks

The children have worked very hard on presenting their favourite animal project. We all found the talks interesting, entertaining and informative.
        Leo Sebastian
Molly, Laura, Daniel and Esha


Good work everyone!

Toetoe PE

Toetoe have been working together by playing co-operative games They have particularly enjoyed playing a variety of tag games and creating words out of themselves. This really required them to talk and work together,
What letters can you see in the picture?

Playing tag.


After reading the story the Magician's House Torbin, Ella and Jack designed their own Magician's house out of lego.

Tuesday 8 March 2016


Monday 7 March 2016

Home Learning Week 6

Please find below the Home Learning sheet for this week.  

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Year 5 Activity Based Learning

As part of our PE programme, the children in Waka Pūhara are taking part in Activity Based Learning (ABL) Games.  To achieve success in ABL games the children need to work together as part of a team.  These games strongly support two key habits of mind: Working with Others and Persistence.
Today the Year 5 children were challenged to cross a 'crocodile infested lake' using only planks of wood and the support of each other to make it to the other side.  If any part of any team member touched the ground they were 'bitten' by a crocodile and had to return to the start line and begin the journey again!

Thirty seconds to discuss ... devise a strategy ... produce a game plan!

 ... and GO!

Although Vivek, Max, Brie, Holly-Rose, Bonnie and Sophia S streaked ahead at the start (and eventually were the winners), they had to return to the start more than once before they achieved their final success.

Sometimes the gap between planks proved too wide.

Balancing two people on a plank, at one time, isn't as easy as it sounds!

Concentration ...

Teamwork ..

 Keeping a close eye on the competition ... as Connor is 'snapped up by a crocodile'!

This team never actually made it to the finish line, but their team work, encouragement of each other, persistence, support and enthusiasm never wavered .... sometimes there are greater lessons to be learnt when the end goal is not achieved!  I have not doubt that if this team had have had the time, they would have 'kept on keeping on' until they crossed the finish line.  
You have much to be proud of Solomon, George, Nina, Livi, Inaki and Charlotte!

Sometimes support looks like ... standing on the feet of your team mates!

Super balance and support in team Connor, Raj, Minnie, Sophia W and Laura.

A rush to the finish line between these two teams ...

Challenge completed!

Just like a Volcano?!

For writing this week Kōtuku class began exploring how to write an explanation text.  As part of this process we learned some basics about how the internal workings of a volcano caused it to come to life and explode.  
After chatting about this, we decided that the build up of gas in a volcano was a bit like the gas in a bottle of fizzy drink.  Today Ms Steans came to school armed with some lemonade so we could explore some more and test our theories!  
(We made a video but will need to wait for Miss Yonetani to get back from camp to help with the uploading of this!)

Ioli explains (for the camera) how this bottle of lemonade is like a mountain.

Vivek gives the bottle a good shake while Ms Steans gathers our ideas and helps us discuss what we think is going to happen.

The lemonade squirts out of the crack between the cap and the bottle ... just like gas, smoke and lava escape from cracks in the crater of a volcano.

Connor gives the bottle another good shake ... ready for another run!