Wednesday 29 March 2017

Saturating Liquids

Saturation Points of Salt and Sugar

Our Yr 5 group have been talking about saturation points.  This video clip explains what a 'saturation point' is, really well.
We discussed the possibility of water temperature having an impact on the saturation levels of salt and sugar.  We have begun planning an experiment that will help us test our ideas.  
Once the planning is complete, we will carry out the experiment to test our hypothesis.  
Keep an eye out for our results sometime next week.

Challenge:  In your own words, show that you understand what 'saturation' means.  Also, can you think of how we could get the salt and sugar back 'out' of the water at the end of the experiment?

Creatures of the Deep

National Geographic | Creatures of Light

After our 'Rocky Shore' visit, at Taylors Mistake, we spent about 15 minutes (while we re-energised with a sturdy snack) exploring this documentary about creatures in the depths of the ocean, which create their own light.  It was fascinating and many children were keen to finish watching/re-watch it.

What a fascinating world of creatures that live 100m or more down, in the dark, depths of the ocean!

Challenge:  Leave a comment explaining what you found the most interesting/strange/fascinating about these 'light' creatures of the deep.

Wednesday 22 March 2017

Marcus Thomas - New Zealand Caveman

New Zealand Caveman

Click on the following link to view an article about Marcus Thomas, New Zealand Caveman.


Travis Wetlands Trip

Monday 20 March 2017

Homphones - Year 5

Homophone Riddles

A homophone is a word that sounds just like another word, but it has a different spelling and meaning.  Work with a partner to solve the following homophone riddles.
Remember the two words area spelled differently!

Challenge: In the comments section write your own homophone riddles ... one riddle per comment ... so if you write more than one riddle, you need to leave more than one comment.  
(See Miss Heron and she will supply you with your own 'secret' homophone pair.)

Saturday 18 March 2017

Letter boxes

And still they keep coming in. Thank you Sebastian for bringing your letter box into me after school on Friday. You have put in a lot of thought and time to create your letter box.

Friday 17 March 2017

Sharing and Caring in Pāua

One of the themes in today's church service was the importance of sharing. We talked about how Jesus shared so generously, even when others didn't share with him. Connecting this to our learning at school, we thought about the ways we share in our St Mark's School family.  

We can share friendship by including others in positive ways.

We can share stationery. 

We discussed how our sharing fills buckets. 

We might share kind words or encouragement, helping others to earn spot ya's.

We can share our time with our friends.

Sharing a bike might not be very practical, but we can share our toys.

Thursday 16 March 2017

Year 3 & 4 technology

Design, plan and create a letter box.

The first technology challenge for 2017 was to design a letter box for a new house.
The students have been learning about the process of how we go about doing this.
The following are some of the letter boxes the students have made.

Some have had just a little bit of help at home.
The students who are making one out of wood will be a little longer as they are finding it is quite hard to saw and nail some wood. Lots of wonderful challenges and fun on a Thursday afternoon. 

Magnetic Slime

Mannix's Science Corner

Yesterday, Mannix shared with us this clip about magnetic slime.  There were some great conversations and observations being made as we watched this clip. 

Year 5-6 Spongeball

Our year 5-6 students enjoyed playing spongeball this afternoon.

Holy-Rose and Alice were great referees.

We learned how important it is to catch the ball, rather than shying away from it.

We always throw the spongeball with two hands.

Standing side-on helps to make a powerful shot. 

Passing the ball quickly to the front is another good strategy. 

When we play spongeball, what we're really learning is resilience. When we get hit, we quickly become seat players and continue supporting our team. We are also practising the habit of mind 'work with others' by developing superb sportsmanship. 

- Photos by Sullivan

Wednesday 8 March 2017

Kid President - How to Change the World

Kid PresidentHow To Change The World(a work in progress)

In Year 5 we have been learning about the 5 Marks of Mission.These 'Marks of Mission' help to define who we are and give inspiration of ways, as a Christian Community, we can support and love others in their walk with God, as well as ways that we can be positive role models and support the world around us.
Kid President has his own ideas about how we can change the world.  Come and take a look at the video below.

Challenge:  Comment below and explain which Marks of Mission the Kid President is talking about.  How can these Marks of Mission make a difference in the lives of others?

The Immune System

Mannix's Science Corner

Thank you to Mannix for this recommendation on fascinating Science viewing.  We didn't know that, when we are sick or fighting an injury or infection, our body does quite so much work to help us to get better.  It really is like a war zone inside our bodies.
What an amazing body God has given us!

Monday 6 March 2017

The Pros & Cons Of Zoos

The Pros & Cons Of Zoos

Watch this video clip about the pros and cons of zoos.  Once you have finished watching it, discuss with a partner the main ideas that have been covered.  

Activity: Split a page in your Reading Books in half ... title one half the page 'Pros' and the other half 'Cons'.  Using evidence from the video, record the pros and cons that you have understood. 

Be prepared to offer your own opinion at the end of our reading lesson today.

Comment Below:  Think about the last time you visited a zoo.  Was there anything that you saw that made you feel sorry for the animals?  Please explain.

Friday 3 March 2017


Walking in Sabina's Shoes

Year 5 have been focusing on the 5 Marks of Mission.

This story, about Sabina's daily challenge to provide water for her family, is an eye opening one.  It is easy to forget how blessed our lives are and how lucky we are to have access to the essential things we need each day to survive.

Which of the 5 Marks of Mission do we need to consider, or can you see are being carried out here, as part of this whole story?

Comment Below:  How did you feel as your watched this video clip?  Why do you think you felt like this?  Is there something that you really WANT to get, but do not need?  Does this video clip make you think twice about your wants and needs?

Wednesday 1 March 2017

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Digging into the Great Pacific Garbage Patch

We have been reading about Carbon Footprints and ways that we can have a more positive impact on our environment.  
This message about how we manage (or in reality, do not manage) our disposal of plastic rubbish is very concerning.

Comment:  What is your largest concern about the amount of plastic wast in the Pacific Ocean?  What can be done to fix this problem?